Bidwell shapes our system around your accepted approach to meet your unique requirements. We transact hundreds of different products including financial and physical, fixed and indexed pricing, slice of system, on and off peak, shaped loads, call options, resource adequacy, and full requirements, just to name a few. In addition, we support a broad range of auction formats from forward/sell, reverse/buy, sealed bid, single- and multi-unit, and both Anglo and Dutch style auctions, among others.
By live-streaming wholesale analytics we make it easier for you to make informed decisions. Watch your weighted best price in real time alongside your bidder’s credit status and bid stack optimization. Moreover, the Bidwell platform allows you to customize the level of detail captured in your procurements, and automatically captures those proof points to streamline compliance reporting. In addition, the Bidwell platform uses data controls, ensuring that all entered bids are date- and time-stamped, eliminating the need for amalgamation and data transfer errors. Bids are entered and stored ONCE.
Bidwell helps streamline the entire process from RFQ to confirmations. Our live auction platform enables you to anticipate award decisions throughout the auction, and to quickly deliver your decision to bidders. The Bidwell platform can also help you transact quickly, locking in prices NOW with the winning supplier or suppliers to lower your risk premiums, and ensure the lowest prices for your customers.

Bidwell customers are invested in the process and ready to transact, so you don’t have to waste time with buyers that are just price checking. In addition, Bidwell suppliers have access to new customers through the Bidwell platform. We’ll also notify you about alternative products and structures that our buyers are interested in.
With Bidwell, you no longer have to wait and wonder about the status of an award – our clients transact within a given window after the auction. Our transparent process also ensures you always know where you landed in an auction, and how far off the winning bid you were in auctions that you didn’t win. Bidders also have anytime, online access to all current event documents and the ability to report on the auction history as needed.
Bidwell works closely with suppliers to ensure your extensive experience with complex energy products and understanding of your customer’s unique needs is reflected in the design and execution of our auctions. Contact Us to share your input!